December 13, 2008

Official News I

The Projects:
The Company, if you can call it that, feels it necessary to divulge some information about our projects to you, our non-existent audience; rather than complain about the lack of climbing for a change.
Thom and Alex met in late 2002 and have been working on numerous writing projects since mid 2003. A few of these were somewhat short-lived, but many aspects of these evolved into larger, more large, and extremely larger large projects.
Two days ago, the executives met about the current state of The Projects and have concluded the following:

Chronicles (volumes I – V)
Vectorevolution’s oldest project. A series of five dealing with the nature of friendship and the strain that time travel has on that bond. Currently, the first three volumes (Déjà Vu, Vhere's ze Dänger, and Vous N’étiez Jamais Aussi Futé; respectively) are written with the fourth script’s plot detailed. Currently, the first two scripts are deemed unworthy of the respect the company gives them; they are the oldest and despite having been subjected to numerous re-writes, they still reflect the style and humour Thom and Alex shared over five years ago. Chronicles currently sits on the backburners simply because the writers feel too pressured to be hilarious with every other line of dialogue and the fact that CI and CII need a screenplay’s equivalent of brain surgery.

Fireballs from Mercury
This is a project that has recently taken up the mantle of Thom’s oldest creative endeavour; FbfM was conceived sometime in 1996. This series is about the relationships that people have and how they change when an outsider begins to live with them. In space. Originally set as a space-comedy, FbfM has evolved into more of a space drama. The Company feels that the problem with Fireballs, again, is the restraints that the writers have placed on the project: it’s serious, it’s romantic, it’s funny, and it’s not going anywhere fast right now. Vectorevolution regrets to inform you that Fireballs from Mercury is sitting next to Chronicles on the backburner due to an extensive case of space-writer’s-block.

This is the as “normal” as Vectorevolution gets. This project deals with the nature of romantic relationships and whether to sacrifice... wait no, that’s not right. This project deals with the strain a romantic entanglement puts on established relationships with... hold on, that’s not it. This project deals with romance and stuff. This project has actually been on the backburner since late 2005 simply because we feel that there is nothing more to add to the project and even if there was, we do not feel competent enough to complete it simply because we feel that it has to be that damn good. This is what the industry refers to as “development hell.”

[Untitled Fantasy Project]
This newest project has only surfaced in the past week, and deals with Old Gods that created the world only to have people lose faith in them, and sight of their humanity. We feel that it needs to exist in a very contained environment (as in no ludicrous amount of scripts, plots, and/or spin-offs) and scarily enough this will be the first project that does not include an overlapping character. Rather than putting restrictions on this project, the writers (and artists in this case) are going to... what’s the phrase? Go bat-shit crazy with the artistic and creative direction of the project. This is not a romance; this is not a space-drama; this is not a comedy. This is a new direction for the creative minds at Vectorevolution, and we are very, very excited.

So, we hope that this information session has sparked some interest in our projects and the nature of the Company, and we promise to actually get something done real soon. We promise. No, really.

VR out.

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